A Non-Profit Organization dedicated to the advancement and promotion of high quality education in the art of dance
Florida Dance Education Organization
Florida Dance Education Organization (FDEO)
FDEO is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and promotion of high quality education in the art of dance.
FDEO envisions a state where every citizen gets equal access and opportunity to quality dance arts education regardless of gender, age, race, culture, or socio-economic status, ability or interest.
We, are a growing organization that provides several kinds of services and information for dance educators. Each year in October, FDEO presents an educators conference featuring guest presenters, roundtable discussions, networking sessions, and performances. FDEO regularly partners with other regional, state, and national organizations to teach, perform, create, advocate, evaluate, and support growth in arts education. FDEO is host to the Annual Florida Dance Performance Assessment, which is a standards based evaluation of student performance that provides invaluable feedback to teachers and students.
As the state affiliate for NDEO in Florida, FDEO manages all the National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA) chapters in the state of Florida. FDEO formally recognizes NHSDA dancers who have achieved a high level of artistry, leadership, and academic success. Selected students are invited to perform in the Annual Florida Honors Concert. FDEO also serves to identify honor students of middle and senior high school age for nomination for the National Dance Education Organization Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award, the highest student dance award in the nation.
FDEO provides opportunities for secondary students to study with, audition for, interview with and be mentored by college professors at least once a year. Beyond recognition of students, FDEO honors exemplary educators. Although our core skills are expanding, our goal to forge the infinite possibilities of dance education centered in the arts remains constant.
The National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
NDEO provides professional development, networking forums, honor societies, journals, research and advocacy tools for teachers, administrators and students in the field of dance arts education. Our members teach multiple dance genres in a variety of environments including, but not limited to, K-12 schools, dance studios, colleges and community centers. Join NDEO to advance your career and benefit your students. Become a part of a community that shares your passion for excellence in teaching the art of dance.
Click on the Join Now button below and you will be redirected to the NDEO web site.